1. Drag FilterOnMe into your applications folder

2. Open FilterOnMe from Spotlight Search or Applications folder

Open FilterOnMe

3. Allow access to your camera

allow camera access 1allow camera access 2

4. Install FilterOnMe virtual camera

open system settingsopen system settingsYou might have to scroll down to find the Allow button, this is different from camera input access.open system settingsIf you are on an older MacOSX (12.x), it might be in the General tab of Security & Privacy.

If you have several extension requests, you may have to click Enable System Extensions and then enable the one requested by FilterOnMe:Enable System Extensions
If you're on a newest or beta version of MacOSX, you may find it in the Extensions section underneath the Others heading.

5. Sign in with your email

6. Select the camera you want to use in the Base tab of FilterOnMe

Select camera base

7. Go to the video settings of your favorite app (such as Meets, Discord, Zoom, Skype, etc) and select the FilterOnMe Camera

Select FOM camera

8. If you need to reset or reinstall, go to the settings tab and click Reset App. You can also uninstall and reinstall the virtual camera in the settings tab.

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